

Google Scholar Profile | ORCID iD | citation numbers are based on Google Scholar’s metrics

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Affiliated Publications

TB DuBose, DF Gardner, AT Watnik, “Intensity-enhanced deep network wavefront reconstruction in Shack–Hartmann sensors,” Optics Letters 45(7), 1699-1702 (2020). link

S Divitt, DF Gardner, AT Watnik, “Imaging around corners in the mid-infrared using speckle correlations,” Optics Express 28(8), 11051-11064 (2020). link

DF Gardner, S Divitt, AT Watnik, “Ptychographic imaging of incoherently illuminated extended objects using speckle correlations,” Applied Optics 58(13), 3564-3569 (2019). link

AV Kanaev, AT Watnik, DF Gardner, C Metzler, KP Judd, P Lebow, KM Novak, & JR Lindle, “Imaging through extreme scattering in extended dynamic media,” Optics Letters 43(13), 3088-3091 (2018). link

Kapteyn-Murnane Group Affiliated Publications

RM Karl, GF Mancini, JL Knobloch, TD Frazer, JN Hernandez-Charpak, B Abad, DF Gardner, ER Shanblatt, M Tanksalvala, CL Porter, CS Bevis, DE Adams, HC Kapteyn, & MM Murnane, “Full-field imaging of thermal and acoustic dynamics in an individual nanostructure using tabletop high harmonic beams,” Science Advances 4(10), eaau4295 (2018). link

GF Mancini, RM Karl, ER Shanblatt, CS Bevis, DF Gardner, MD Tanksalvala, JL Russell, DE. Adams, HC Kapteyn, JV Badding, TE. Mallouk, and MM Murnane, “Colloidal crystal order and structure revealed by tabletop extreme ultraviolet scattering and coherent diffractive imaging,” Optics Express 26(9), 11393-11406 (2018). link

C Bevis, R Karl Jr., J Reichanadter, DF Gardner, C Porter, E Shanblatt, M Tanksalvala, GF Mancini, H Kapteyn, M Murnane & D Adams, “Multiple beam ptychography for large field-of-view, high throughput, quantitative phase contrast imaging,” Ultramicroscopy 184(A), 164-171 (2018). link

A Pryor, A Rana, R Xu, JA Rodriguez, Y Yang, M Gallagher-Jones, H Jiang, K Kanhaiya, M Nathanson, J Park, S Kim, S Kim, D Nam, Y Yue, J Fan, Z Sun, B Zhang, DF Gardner, CSB Dias, Y Joti, T Hatsui, T Kameshima, Y Inubushi, K Tono, JY Lee, M Yabashi, C Song, T Ishikawa, HC Kapteyn, MM Murnane, HH, J Miao, “Single-shot 3D coherent diffractive imaging of core-shell nanoparticles with elemental specificity,” Scientific Reports 8(1), 8284 (2018). link

  • Collaboration with UCLA and the SACLA free-electron laser facility in Japan

DF Gardner, M Tanksalvala, ER Shanblatt, X Zhang, BR Galloway, CL Porter, R Karl Jr, C Bevis, DE Adams, HC Kapteyn, MM Murnane & GF Mancini, “Sub-wavelength coherent imaging of periodic samples using 1 13.5 nm tabletop high harmonic light source,” Nature Photonics 11, 259–263 (2017). link

ER Shanblatt, CL Porter, DF Gardner, GF Mancini, RM Karl Jr, MD Tanksalvala, CS Bevis, VH Vartanian, HC Kapteyn, DE Adams & MM Murnane, “Quantitative chemically specific coherent diffractive imaging of reactions at buried interfaces with few nanometer precision,” Nano Letters 16(9), 5444-5450 (2016). link

B Zhang, DF Gardner, MH Seaberg, ER Shanblatt, CL Porter, R Karl, CA Mancuso, HC Kapteyn, MM Murnane & DE Adams, “Ptychographic hyperspectral spectromicroscopy with an extreme ultraviolet high harmonic comb,” Optics Express 24(16), 18745-18754 (2016). link

R Karl, C Bevis, R Lopez-Rios, J Reichanadter, DF Gardner, C Porter, E Shanblatt, M Tanksalvala, GF Mancini, M Murnane, H Kapteyn & D Adams, “Spatial, spectral, and polarization multiplexed ptychography,” Optics Express 23(23), 30250-30258 (2015). link

B Zhang, DF Gardner, MD Seaberg, ER Shanblatt, HC Kapteyn, MM Murnane & DE Adams, “High contrast 3D imaging of surfaces near the wavelength limit using tabletop EUV ptychography,” Ultramicroscopy 158, 98-104 (2015). link

  • Work featured on the cover of the journal

  • Paper highlighted on the cover of Laser Focus World

  • This paper has over 60 citations

MD Seaberg, B Zhang, DF Gardner, ER Shanblatt, MM Murnane, HC Kapteyn & DE Adams, “Tabletop nanometer extreme ultraviolet imaging in an extended reflection mode using coherent Fresnel ptychography,” Optica 1(1), 39-44 (2014). link

  • This paper has over 100 citations

B Zhang, MD Seaberg, DE Adams, DF Gardner, ER Shanblatt, JM Shaw, W Chao, EM Gullikson, F Salmassi, HC Kapteyn & MM Murnane, “Full field tabletop EUV coherent diffractive imaging in a transmission geometry,” Optics Express 21(19), 21970-21980 (2013). link

DE Adams, LS Martin, MD Seaberg, DF Gardner, HC Kapteyn & MM Murnane, “A generalization for optimized phase retrieval algorithms,” Optics Express 20(22), 24778-24790 (2012). link

DF Gardner, B Zhang, MD Seaberg, LS Martin, DE Adams, F Salmassi, E Gullikson, HC Kapteyn & MM Murnane, “High numerical aperture reflection mode coherent diffraction microscopy using off-axis apertured illumination,” Optics Express 20(17), 19050-19059 (2012). link

  • This paper has over 60 citations

T Pardini, S Boutet, J Bradley, T Döppner, LB Fletcher, DF Gardner, RM Hill, MS Hunter, J Krzywinski, M Messerschmidt, AE Pak, F Quirin, K Sokolowski-Tinten, GJ Williams, SP Hau-Riege, “Silicon mirrors for high-intensity x-ray pump and probe experiments,” Physical Review Applied 1(4), 044007 (2014). link

Smalyukh Research Group Affiliated Publications

Q Liu, Y Cui, DF Gardner, X Li, S He & II Smalyukh, ”Self-alignment of plasmonic gold nanorods in reconfigurable anisotropic fluids for tunable bulk metamaterial applications,” Nano Letters 10(4), 1347-1353 (2010). link

  • This paper has over 300 citations